Maintenance & Care

Fire Pits

  • The information below provides a guideline for the proper use of the product, as well as maintenance tips, to ensure the long life of this product.
  • We recommend that logs are added to the fire in either a fire pit or fire slab, they are carefully placed and not “thrown” onto the fire. By tossing logs into a fire pit or onto a fire slab, you risk cracking the product.
  • When building a fire in a fire-pit, take care not to build the fire above the top rim and, once lit, keep the fire contained within the fire pit, ie do not burn the bricks on the rim of the fire-pit.
  • Do not, under any circumstances, use an accelerant to fuel the fire in a fire pit or fire slab. Accelerants cause a sudden temperature increase and will result in rapid thermal expansion that can cause cracking.
  • Use a wire brush/sandpaper to remove rust. Wipe dust away with a cloth. Apply anti-rust paint to the area with a paint brush. Apply a light coat of anti-rust paint to the entire metal band to revive the appearance of the metal.
  • Please note, the anti-rust paint we use to protect mild steel products is toxic. Before use, burn the paint off grids and wash with dish-washing detergent.
  • To keep your grids in good condition wash and dry thoroughly before storing in a dry space indoors.
  • When cool, fire pits and fire slabs can be cleaned with soap and water, and a nylon brush.
  • Texaszulu fire pits and fire slabs are designed to handle severe heat. Small cracks may form during the lifespan of the product due to tension release in the normal heating and cooling process. The performance and lifespan of the product will not be compromised by these small cracks.


  • Some furniture pieces are very heavy and great care must be taken in handling these pieces. Texaszulu LLC will not be responsible for injury or death while our products are being handled or moved.
  • Because the timber is so dense, it can be quite brittle and chip or crack. Texaszulu LLC deny responsibility for damage from poor handling.
  • Naturally, any miss handling or inappropriate use of the product will invalidate the warranty. The warranty does not apply to components supplied by Texaszulu LLC that are fitted into or on components from another supplier, the client or to a building.
  • We will supply you with our suggested care and maintenance guidelines to ensure life-long enjoyment of your furniture. However we cannot be held responsible for repairing / replacing this product if you don’t follow these guidelines.
  • Texaszulu LLC will not in any circumstances be liable for any claim which falls outside the scope of our warranty or for any consequential damages whatsoever.